Heart of Florida front line worker dies

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Posted August 14, 2020 |

An essential member of the HFHC inmate health care team passed away due to COVID -19 complications on Saturday, August 8.

Charles “Dan” Manrique, RN, 71, had been a valued member of the medical team since 2007.  Manrique, an experienced and reliable nurse, was a charge nurse for the night shift staff at the Marion County Jail. Heart of Florida Health Center is the provider of inmate health services for the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

Through these challenging times, Manrique never wavered in his service to his patients and staff.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of a dedicated and talented nurse of the Heart of Florida Health Center’s family,” said Maria Torres, chief health care administrator. “Our entire community is grateful to all the health care professionals and essential workers who continue to work the front lines during this pandemic.”

“Dan will be remembered as a HFHC HERO. He paid the ultimate sacrifice of taking care of others above all else,” said HFHC CEO Jamie Ulmer. “Please pray for Dan’s family and loved ones through this difficult time.”

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