Letter to the editor
A local reflects on MLK memories.

MCSO transparency is woefully lacking
We feel the public should be asking: Why?

Bill Cotterell: A Fond Farewell to Endorsements
Scrapping endorsements in the presidential election might have been shrewd business decisions, a Capitol Columnist writes.

Florida? Or North Korea?
DeSantis talks about the “free state of Florida” while strong-arming broadcasters, our Capitol Columnist writes.

Bill Cotterell: Education Doesn’t Need Party Labels
Florida voters approved non-partisan school board races in 1998, and there’s no reason to change, a Capitol Columnist writes.

Bill Cotterell: Your tax money at work—politically
Gov. Ron DeSantis is pulling out all the stops to try to defeat Amendment 4, our Capitol Columnist writes.

Bill Cotterell: Firing Whistleblower Compounds Dumb Plans
A Department of Environmental Protection cartographer did the right thing — and got fired, a Capitol Columnist writes.

Lawmakers should close loophole, but won’t
Florida lawmakers won’t get rid of the “write-in loophole” because it sometimes benefits them, our Capitol Columnist writes.

Arts Vetoes a Matter of Taste
Don’t expect Republicans to override governor’s arts vetoes, our Capitol Columnist writes.