Three justices report net worths topping $1M

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Posted May 5, 2022 | By Florida News Service

As five Florida Supreme Court justices prepare to run in merit-retention elections this year, three reported net worths topping $1 million.

Chief Justice Charles Canady and Justices Ricky Polston, Jorge Labarga, John Couriel and Jamie Grosshans were required to file financial-disclosure forms before qualifying last week to appear on the November ballot.

Couriel reported the highest net worth at $5,143,060 as of March 31, according to the filings posted on the state Division of Elections website.

Labarga was next at $1,758,347, followed by Polston at $1,169,461. Canady reported a net worth of $906,469, while Grosshans’ net worth was $729,442, according to the filings.

Justices Alan Lawson and Carlos Muniz will have to file annual disclosure reports this summer. Lawson has announced he is retiring from the court on Aug. 31, while Muniz is not up for a merit-retention election this year.

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