Sheriff’s request for new BearCat will be considered at Tuesday MCBOCC meeting

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods awaits the start of Florida Governor Ron DeSantisÕ press conference at Top of The World in Ocala, Florida. DeSantis was giving an update on COVID vaccinations, Friday, March 5, 2021. [Cyndi Chambers/Correspondent] 2021

Home » Community
Posted November 15, 2021 | By Matthew Cretul
[email protected]

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods awaits the start of Florida Governor Ron DeSantisÕ press conference at Top of The World in Ocala, Florida. DeSantis was giving an update on COVID vaccinations, Friday, March 5, 2021. [Cyndi Chambers/Correspondent] 2021

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods is returning a total of $686,424 of unused funds from the 2020-2021 budget along with a request to the Marion County Board of County Commissioners (MCBOCC) to use the returned money towards purchasing a BearCat armored vehicle and remodel and expansion plans for the sheriff’s operation building.

In a letter to MCBOCC, dated October 28, 2021, Woods outlined the need for the SWAT team to have a new BearCat to replace the older BearCat that has been in service for 16 years.

“The updated BearCat will be on a more heavy-duty chassis and will provide better reliability. It has  updated design and technology that will help provide improved safety for SWAT team members,” he wrote.

The Sheriff indicated that the purchase of the BearCat had previously been pulled as priority for funding from the penny sales tax revenue and cost $350,000.

In his letter, Woods asked that the remaining balance of $336,424 be allocated to County Facilities budget earmarked for the “remodel/expansion project of the sheriff’s operations building. MCSO staff has been working with County Facilities on this project to assist with needs and design.”

The sheriff’s request is on the MCBOCC Nov. 16 meeting agenda.

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