National Poetry Month continues in April

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Posted April 15, 2022 | By Ocala Gazette Staff

To celebrate National Poetry Month this year, James Blevins, the Gazette’s in-house reporter and poet—who has seen his work previously published in “Salt Hill Journal,” “Pretty Owl Poetry,” “Stoneboat Journal,” “Mud Season Review” and “AZURE,” as well as numerous other outlets both online and in print—has elected to pick five poems for publication, one for each Friday in April, concluding with a poem of his own on April 29.



By D.H. Lawrence


Slowly the moon is rising out of the ruddy haze,
Divesting herself of her golden shift, and so
Emerging white and exquisite; and I in amaze
See in the sky before me, a woman I did not know
I loved, but there she goes and her beauty hurts my heart;
I follow her down the night, begging her not to depart.


David Herbert Lawrence was born in Eastwood, Nottinghamshire, England on September 11, 1885. His books of poetry include “Last Poems” (G. Orioli, 1932) and “The Ship of Death” (M. Secker, 1933). He died on March 2, 1930.

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