Development plans for Winding Oaks Farm firm up

Winding Oaks Farms is the last remaining horse farm on State Road 200. At the corner of State Road 200 and SW 66th Street, it is surrounded by development. It was originally Mockingbird Farm, who along with Tartan, Bonnie Heath, and Dudley farm made up the foundation of Marion County thoroughbred industry along State Road 200. [Alan Youngblood/Special to Ocala Style]

Home » Equine
Posted May 18, 2022 | By Ocala Gazette staff

During the May 17 city council meeting, the council unanimously took another step forward in finalizing their agreement with Cradle Holdings, Inc. to develop Winding Oaks Farm.

The 1008-acre farm was annexed into the city in 2017.

The project’s development includes the following uses and intensities:

590,000 square feet of commercial retail space

60,000 square feet of automobile dealership

416,000 square feet of general office space

2,068 single family units

1,080 multi-family units

A Super Convenience Market/Gas Station– 20 vehicle fueling station

Winding Oaks Farms is the last remaining horse farm on State Road 200. At the corner of State Road 200 and SW 66th Street, it is surrounded by development. It was originally Mockingbird Farm, who along with Tartan, Bonnie Heath, and Dudley farm made up the foundation of Marion County thoroughbred industry along State Road 200. [Alan Youngblood/Special to Ocala Style]

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