CF Webber Gallery presents “Greater Than 17”

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Posted September 3, 2021 | By James Blevins
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Tyrus Clutter sorts through some art prints at the Webber Gallery on Aug. 25. [Meagan Gumpert/OG]

Tyrus Clutter wants more art lovers to collect more art — no matter their budget.

This concept is part of the inspiration behind the College of Central Florida (CF) Webber Gallery’s latest exhibition, “Greater Than 17: The Art and Influence of Stanley Hayter and Atelier 17,” which showcases work from Clutter’s personal collection.

“It’s work to do it,” said Clutter, a CF associate professor of visual arts, painter and printmaker. “But I really like that part of it because it’s a treasure hunt. You’re trying to find more for a lot less.”

The free exhibition opens Sept. 27 and runs through Oct. 21.

“I don’t want to just have the artwork and hoard it at home,” said Clutter. “That’s not the whole point of having a collection. I want it to be in a public place that other people can see it.”

Clutter’s collection, which consists of more than 150 works, was compiled over the last 20-plus years, many of them produced with the Color Viscosity Intaglio printing process first developed at Hayter’s renowned Paris workshop, Atelier 17, in the late 1950s.

The exhibition is comprised of artists who, according to a CF press release, “worked in printmaking, [and were] influenced by the techniques of British painter and printmaker Stanley William Hayter.”

“He was a major figure during his time period, particularly when he was in New York. So that was like about 1940 to 1950. And the general public would have no idea who he is,” said Clutter.

The works reveal the importance of Hayter and other artists like Mauricio Lasansky in the development of printmaking in the middle of the 20th century.

Hayter (1901-1988) and Atelier 17 had a profound impact on 20th-century art, specifically graphic arts, according to an article written by Jennifer Farrell, associate curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

He helped to foster a collaborative atmosphere in his workshop, encouraging new techniques, imagery and methods, all in the pursuit of advancing printmaking.

“His technique was based in surrealism and he was affiliated with the artists of that movement for a time,” said the press release.

Some of the greatest names in 20th-century art visited Hayter’s Paris workshop: Joan Miro, Alexander Calder, Jacques Lipchitz, Pablo Picasso, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning.

“He might not be a household name,” Clutter said of Hayter, “but what he actually did for changing and developing art in the mid-20th century is huge. There’s big star names out there, but there’s a lot of other people that have done things that brought us to the place that we are currently, but never got the name recognition.”

The exhibition represents artists from the United States and Europe, as well as artists originally from South America, Scandinavia, Australia and Asia.

Aside from showcasing a real international flavor, much like the real Atelier 17, the exhibition also includes more than 20 female artists.

Clutter will present a full slate of talks covering various aspects of the exhibit throughout the month of October. One such talk will delve into the methods he has used to build his art collection without breaking the bank.

“It’s just exciting to see what people’s reactions are going to be,” said Clutter. “The collecting process excites me, but to be able to share that with other people and see what they get out of both the different concepts that are there, but also the different techniques, is truly fun.”

The Webber Gallery, located at 3001 SW College Road, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. For information about the exhibit and associated talks, call the gallery at (352) 854-2322, ext. 1664.

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