Hurricane Ian cost the City of Ocala an estimated $455,452

Motorists negotiate heavy rain from Hurricane Ian on Bonnie Heath Boulevard in Ocala, Fla. on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022. Ocala and Marion County residents were spared any major flooding or damage as Hurricane Ian passed through the area overnight. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette] 2022.

Home » Government
Posted November 27, 2022 |

At the Nov. 15 Ocala City Council meeting, a budget resolution was passed to absorb the cost of Hurricane Ian to the city’s budget, in the amount of $455,452.

Ian’s major landfall was along Florida’s West Coast on Sept. 28 and presented relatively little damage to Marion County.

According to the information’s associated agenda item, $19,337 of the costs were incurred rendering mutual aid which “should be 100% reimbursed by the entity the city assisted.”

Eighty-four percent of the costs incurred by the city for Hurricane Ian were for salaries and overtime.

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