We want to hear from you

Home » Opinion
Posted July 27, 2020 | By Brad Rogers, Executive Editor

One of the main goals of a community newspaper is to stimulate conversation. Whether it is the way our schools are handling the coronavirus or the state’s plan to lower a bridge that seems to work perfectly fine or the ever-controversial mask mandates, most of us have opinion.

Well, we at the Gazette want to hear yours. This is our fourth issue of what we hope is your new local newspaper. Part of Publisher Jennifer Murty’s goal in founding the Gazette was to generate more awareness, more engagement and certainly more discussion about local issues of all kinds, especially the actions of city, county and school governments.

So, what do you think? We want to hear your opinions, your praises and criticisms, your ideas for making Ocala/Marion County a better place to live and work. We believe it is important for people to be part of the community conversation and, in turn, part of the decision-making process that drives local government.

After four decades in this business, if I have learned one thing, it is that opinions beget more opinions. That’s a good thing. Because the more ideas that are floated during the course of a conversation, usually the better the result.

So, we invite, indeed encourage Gazette readers to share your views, your innovative ideas or even the simple daily pleasures you encounter that so often make living in our community a joy.

There aren’t a lot of rules. We ask that you be civil. We ask that you be accurate. We ask that you sign your name and provide a contact phone number so we can contact you if we have a question. We ask that you keep letters to around 300 words and longer pieces 500-700 words.

See? Simple.

Once you’ve written a letter or a Soapbox column, just send it to me, at [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from the community. Let the conversation begin.

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