Traffic calming study for SE Ocala to be presented in April

File photo [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette] 2020.
Findings from a traffic study for the Woodfields neighborhood and Eight Street Elementary area will be presented by the city of Ocala in April.
A community meeting to present the findings of the study will take place at 5:30 p.m. on April 10 at the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition at 15 SE Osceola Ave. The event is free and available to all to attend.
“The purpose of the meeting is to present the community with information and options for traffic calming and to gather feedback from attendees,” wrote city spokesperson Ashley Dobbs.
The city of Ocala hired consultant Kimley-Horn to conduct the study for this area to determine existing conditions, crash history, speed data, potential traffic calming measures, and pedestrian and bicycle improvements.
The southwest Ocala area encompasses between Southeast Watula Avenue and Southeast 22nd Avenue, bordered to the north by Southeast Fort King Street and bordered to the south by State Road 464.
“The format of the meeting will be like the Vison 2050 meetings, with maps and easels set up to facilitate audience participation,” Dobbs said.
Vision 2050 meetings took place in February through March and facilitated a chance for the public to give input on the future of the city.
For more information on the traffic study meeting, contact the Transportation Engineering Division at (352)351-6689.