Three dead after crash involving a stolen sheriff’s vehicle

Three people are dead after a crash involving a woman who stole a Marion County Sheriff’s Office patrol car and fled from law enforcement, colliding with a truck on State Road 40 at around 2 p.m. on Thursday, according to MCSO.
The driver of the stolen vehicle, 33, and two of the passengers in the GMC truck, 73 and 72, all died from their injuries. One other passenger in the truck remains in critical condition, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The 33-year-old driver stole the MCSO vehicle when law enforcement was responding to a call reporting that the woman was attempting to steal other vehicles at the Pack A Sack gas station at 18200 SR 40, according to a source with knowledge on the investigation.
When law enforcement arrived on the scene, the woman jumped into the passenger seat of the sheriff’s vehicle. The deputy is said to have exited the vehicle and the woman stole the car, fleeing eastbound down SR 40 at speeds of up to 120 m.p.h., according to the source.
The stolen car was pursued by law enforcement on the scene.
The woman lost control of the sheriff’s vehicle, where it ended up in the westbound lane and collided with the truck, killing two of its occupants, injuring the third and killing the driver of the stolen vehicle, according to FHP.
MCSO has not confirmed the identity of the deputy whose car was stolen, but he is believed to be a corporal.