Take a moment to honor those who keep the power flowing

Photo courtsey of City of Ocala

Photo courtsey of City of Ocala
On Wednesday, the city of Ocala joined the state to celebrate Florida Lineworker Appreciation Day.
The event honors the men and women who risk their lives daily to ensure reliable delivery of electricity throughout Florida. There are 123 Ocala Electric Utility employees who serve approximately 50,000 customers in the Ocala service territory.
OEU honored its employees on Wednesday.
Florida Lineworker Appreciation Day was designated by the Florida House of Representatives in 2012 in memory of Marc Moore, a lineworker for Lakeland Electric, who lost his life while serving his community in 2002.
In 2015, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics listed utility line work as one of the most dangerous jobs in the country.
“Electricity is an essential service that often goes unappreciated until it is gone,” said Eric Weaver, director of Ocala Electric Utility.
“Our employees are our heroes. They risk their lives to ensure we have power in our homes and businesses. Their around-the-clock commitment and service to our community is very much appreciated. Please take time to thank our workers when you see them in the community.”

Photo courtsey of City of Ocala
The men and women who serve as lineworkers not only aid their own communities, but others across the state and country.
When disasters strike, lineworkers leave their families and homes to travel to neighboring cities and states – and even abroad – working long hours under dangerous conditions to help restore power.
The city encourages the public to recognize Florida lineworkers on this day of appreciation by using social media hashtags #ThankALineman, #LineworkerAppreciationDay and #LineLife.
Ashley Dobbs is the marketing and communications manager for the city of Ocala.