Supervisors of Elections scholarship opportunity

Home » Education
Posted February 5, 2021 | Ocala Gazette Staff

The Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE) will award three $1,200 scholarships in 2021 to students across the state.

Marion County Supervisor of Elections Wesley Wilcox urges local qualified students to apply for the scholarship.

To be eligible for the FSE Scholarship the applicant shall: Be a registered voter and a Florida resident for the preceding two years; Be enrolled or accepted as a full-time student in a senior college or university in Florida; Have finished two years of junior college or undergraduate work and have maintained a “C” average or above for the previous year; Be either a Political Science, Public/Business Administration, or Journalism/Mass Communication major.

The FSE Scholarship is available at www.VoteMarion.Gov/Scholarship or at the Marion County Election Center, 981 NE 16th St. Applications are due by March 26, 2021.

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