Seven-day fundraising campaign

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Posted August 11, 2023 | Jennifer Hunt Murty Murty


Dear readers,

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our fundraising campaign last week.

Through a grant, our company and twenty-nine others nationwide recently received a sustainability audit. The commission aimed to have experts weigh in on our company’s practices and give advice to ensure our community continues to benefit from local journalism that makes an impact.

We received multiple suggestions to implement, but one main one was proactively staying more engaged with our audience and asking for support.

Initiatives like these are put in place to support the pivotal role newspapers play within a community.

Despite the emergence of alternative news delivery methods, it’s undeniable that newspapers have historically been and continue to be the cornerstone of comprehensive news information.

Why must a community uphold the active, free press envisioned by the first amendment?

Research shows that local journalism:

•            Fosters social unity

•            Stimulates political involvement

•            Enhances the efficacy and decision-making of local and state governments

•            Promotes civil discourse by educating its audience through solid evidence rather than emotional coverage

Ocala Gazette is steadfast in our commitment to harness the moral force of journalism to support our community and be a catalyst for change.

Thanks to contributions from individuals like you, we’re expanding, strengthening, and creating more impact than ever before.

Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jennifer Hunt Murty

Publisher, Ocala Gazette

Day 5

Dear readers,

The topic of growth dominates the narrative surrounding Ocala. In the pursuit of economic development, policy decisions have transformed our quaint Florida agricultural persona into a hub for logistics.

Local farmers face eminent domain actions to make way for large corporate projects like the WEC Ocala Jockey Club and the new interchange for the commerce park.

At Ocala Gazette, we’ve committed ourselves to relentless coverage of the significant development wave and its impacts on our quality of life.

What other local outlet has comprehensively reported on our school capacity issues or provided in-depth reporting on how backed up our community is maintaining roads or the significant shortage of first responders?

Additionally, we must start investigating how development is affecting water quality. Fundraising campaigns like this help us fund that type of investigative work our community desperately needs.

Our local journalism drive concludes soon, and we’ve already reached a quarter of our goal, which has been truly heartening. Can you contribute to funding in-depth journalism that provides Marion County residents the knowledge they need to safeguard our quality of community proactively?

Real change is possible when journalists have the resources to expose the truth. I hope you’ll aid us in this mission with your donation today.

Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jennifer Hunt Murty

Publisher, Ocala Gazette

Day 4

In 2021, Ocala Gazette was at the forefront of revealing the conflict of interest between city attorneys and local developers. Over the subsequent year and a half, we meticulously highlighted these conflicts and expressed apprehension when they seemed to undermine the public interest.

Initially, when we spotted possible conflicts of interest, we sought memos providing informed consent for these conflicts between the city and its attorneys. To our surprise, none was to be found. We then requested and compared historical contracts between the city and a private law firm representing the city for three decades. Our investigation uncovered an unanticipated conflict-of-interest waiver inserted into the city’s latest contract that the city council and management were unaware of.

This incident underscores the necessity for diligent journalists to monitor public proceedings, serving as an added safeguard for public interests. Following these revelations, the city established a dedicated in-house legal department.

Our work at Ocala Gazette is rarely swift or straightforward; it often requires months or even years of dedication to uncovering the truth.

Can you chip in today to help Ocala Gazette continue to bring you important news?

Yearly support from our readers is essential to ensure our ongoing freedom and ability to persist, regardless of how long it takes. Our local news fundraising drive concludes this Friday, and I’m immensely grateful for the early support we’ve already received. I invite you to join us today with your donation of any amount. Your contribution will empower us to keep demanding accountability. Together, we’re effecting change.

Thank you sincerely for your support.

Jennifer Hunt Murty


Day 3

Newsrooms nationwide are facing significant challenges, and many local papers are downsizing or shutting down entirely. These circumstances leave communities without vital coverage of their institutions, businesses, and governments.

However, the horizon for Ocala Gazette appears promising, all thanks to readers like you.

Subscriptions and donations from dedicated readers like you fuel our reporting. Over our initial three years, we’ve experienced substantial growth, bridging the gap in Marion County for accountable journalism.

Can you chip in today to help Ocala Gazette continue to bring you important news?

As a devoted reader of Ocala Gazette, you understand the importance of journalists having the freedom, resources, and capacity to chase stories that expose corruption, justice failures, and other malfeasance. We’re deeply appreciative of our supporters for empowering us to create a difference where it’s most critical. Today, I invite you to stand with us by making a donation of any amount to propel our pursuit of comprehensive journalism in Marion County.

Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jennifer Hunt Murty


Day 2

Just over a month ago, we brought to light the first of two stories detailing how a local affluent individual, serving as a Trustee on the Marion County Hospital District Board, exploited his position to favor an investment company he patronized and where his son was employed.

Journalism of this caliber is resource-intensive. It took Ocala Gazette reporters more than a year to investigate the story. Yet, we’re committed to allocating the necessary time and resources for such stories, as we understand that exposing corruption can catalyze significant changes, like the emergence of new leadership.

Can you chip in today to help Ocala Gazette continue to bring you important news?

Did you catch this week’s story behind the arrival of Buc-cees in Ocala? Amidst all the publicity and hype at state and local levels, only Ocala Gazette shed light on the circumstances under which the Baldwin family was pressured into making a decision to sell their land.

The capacity to delve into stories like these comes from public support in the form of subscriptions and donations to Ocala Gazette. Today, I invite you to make a contribution, of any amount, and join the exceptional group of journalists and readers backing this indispensable work.

We’ve just initiated our fundraising campaign with a goal of raising $10,000. For seven days, I am rallying our readers to contribute whatever they can to sustain our efforts. If you’re in a position to help, I would be grateful for your donation or subscription.

Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jennifer Hunt Murty

Publisher, Ocala Gazette


Day 1

Dear Reader,

Today, we’re kicking off a special fundraising campaign.  Over the course of the next seven days, I’ll be sharing insights into our newsroom operations, showcasing some of our top stories, and hopefully inspiring you to financially back our crucial mission.

Ocala Gazette is committed to delivering meticulously researched, unbiased journalism focusing solely on Marion County. Our journalism serves as a public service, and therefore, it relies on the public’s contributions to sustain our critical operations. Being an avid reader of Ocala Gazette, I know you recognize the indispensability of independent journalism to our democratic society. I invite you to stand with us in this mission by contributing any amount during this fundraising drive. We have a goal of raising $10,000.


Our mission is to foster informed citizens who feel a deeper connection to their community and are empowered to contribute towards the solutions our community needs. This includes holding our elected officials accountable when necessary.

Your regular engagement with our work is a testament to the value you place on this kind of journalism, and we know you share our joy when it generates a tangible impact. Today, I’m reaching out to you with a request: please consider donating to the Ocala Gazette.

Your contributions will allow Ocala Gazette journalists to continue their in-depth reporting and highlight essential community events – like the impending high school sports season.

Supporting our journalism takes just a few moments of your time, but the positive repercussions resonate within our community, promoting greater cohesion and accountability from those in positions of power.

Thank you sincerely for your support,

Jennifer Hunt Murty

Publisher, Ocala Gazette


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Support community journalism

The first goal of the Ocala Gazette is to deliver trustworthy local journalism so corruption, misinformation and abuse are not hidden from the public or unchallenged.

We count on community support to continue this important work. Please donate or subscribe:
