School district allows for public feedback on new textbooks


Home » Education
Posted March 18, 2024 | By Caroline Brauchler
[email protected]

The public will have an opportunity to give feedback on the new textbooks being adopted across Marion County Public Schools.

A session will be offered to physically look through the textbooks in person from 3 to 7 p.m. on March 28 at Building 20 of the MTI Campus, 392 SE 19th Ave.

The public opinion on the textbooks will later be considered by a review committee of teachers, parents, community members and a content area program specialist.

The textbooks will be adopted for 16 courses, including grades K-5 science; middle school earth, space, life and physical science; and high school biology, chemistry, physical science, physics, anatomy and physiology, marine science and environmental science.

The review committee will meet to consider the public’s feedback at 6 p.m. on April 1 at West Port High School, 3733 SW 80th Ave.

The committee will vote to recommend titles to Superintendent Diane Gullett, who will then give her recommendations to the Marion County School Board.

For more information, contact the MCPS instructional materials department at (352)236-0525.

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