Playtime with a purpose

Dr. J.D. Steed, the former medical director of Kimberly’s Center, goes down a slide during the ribbon cutting and unveiling of the new outdoor therapeutic play area. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette]

Home » Community
Posted March 5, 2021 |

People gather in the playground during the ribbon cutting and unveiling of the therapeutic play area at Kimberly’s Center for Child Protection on Northeast 14th Street in Ocala on Feb. 25. Together with the Department of Children and Families and local law enforcement, the specially trained staff at Kimberly’s Center provide a safe, child-friendly environment for children to talk about their abuse and begin healing. The new play area was funded by donations and will allow the children to play in a safe, protected environment. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette]

Dr. J.D. Steed, the former medical director of Kimberly’s Center, goes down a slide during the ribbon cutting and unveiling of the new outdoor therapeutic play area. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette]

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