Planned Recharge Park pavilion in final stage before construction


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Posted April 1, 2022 | By James Blevins
[email protected]

The City of Ocala is currently in the final review stage for the new pavilion it plans to build within the Ocala Wetland Recharge Park, according to Ashley Dobbs, marketing and communications manager for the Office of Strategic Engagement, on March 30. 

“Plans are in the process of being reviewed by the grant agency before they go to the City of Ocala Building department for review and permitting,” said Dobbs.

Located at 2105 N.W. 21st St. in Ocala, the proposed pavilion will allow space for public programing, event rentals and a place for park visitors to enjoy lunch or gather in groups, Dobbs added.

She said the city received a grant from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Recreation and Trails program, which is the same funding source previously used at the park for the paving of the trails; adding benches, recycling and trash bins; as well as a trail counter and navigation signs. 

“The current round of funding will be used to build the pavilion with restrooms, place shade covers on the overlooks, install a shade structure and water bottle filling station at the existing restroom facilities,” said Dobbs. 

The total estimated project cost, per the city, is $471,111, with $376,880 being funded by FDEP and $94,231 being funded by the City of Ocala.

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