New golf cart rules for Ocala

Vivian Price drives her golf cart on Southeast 24th Terrace in Ocala, Fla. on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette] 2022.

Home » Community
Posted August 22, 2023 | By Caroline Brauchler
[email protected]

People over the age of 18 can now drive a golf cart in Ocala without a driver’s license, the city council agreed on Aug. 15.

In order to comply with a new state statute, the Ocala City Council approved an amendment to the city code that requires all people from ages 16 to 17 to have a driver’s license to operate a golf cart, but people 18 and older no longer need to be licensed drivers.

Previously, it was required for all golf cart drivers, regardless of age, to have a valid driver’s license to operate one. Those over 18 who wish to operate a golf cart must now only have valid identification.

The council also discussed an amendment to the map of where golf carts are allowed within the city, effective Aug. 1. The new map allows for golf carts to be driven in much more of downtown, east of the post office and south of the Downtown Square.

The new golf cart map, effective Aug. 1, allows for golf carts to be driven in much more of downtown, east of the post office and south of the Downtown Square [Courtesy of the city of Ocala].

Council President Jim Hilty raised concerns for safety in some areas downtown.

“You see emergency vehicles all the time heading to the hospitals. You see the trucks that are delivering goods to the different businesses downtown or other tractor trailers that are going through there. Especially when you have two cars parked on South Magnolia. It’s just not safe to me,” Hilty said.

Growth Management Director Tye Chighizola assured the council that safety elements such as this have been investigated, and that planning has been done to promote pedestrian safety and calm traffic.

“Part of it was looking to slow the traffic down in downtown going to the one lane (roads),” Chighizola said. “I think that has helped—and removing some of the lights and doing more of the stop signs. I think it’s designed to slow traffic for cars as well as golf carts.”

While all golf cart operators must follow safety guidelines and rules of the road, golf carts have been classified as “not motor vehicles” under state legislation, which is why they can be operated by adults without a license.

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