MCFR February call report

Marion County Fire Rescue training. Photo Courtesy James Lucas/MCFR

Home » Safety
Posted March 14, 2024 | Staff report

Editor’s Note: Marion County Public Relations indicates there is an error on their website and the hourly rates listed are minimum rather than maximum hourly rates, as previously reported. Hourly rates are set according to a collective bargaining agreement.  This report has been corrected accordingly. 

During February, Marion County Fire Rescue responded to 6,267 calls.

Of the 6,267 calls, 188 were fire alarms, 62 were structure fires, 851 were traffic crashes, and 4,604 were medical calls, including 390 trauma incidents, and 2569 calls that required lights and sirens.

Of all the public safety agencies in Marion County, MCFR has the largest territory to stage daily since it provides ambulance service for the entire county.

MCFR has entry-level nonsupervisory positions open in their department. According to the county’s website, firefighter/EMT have a minimum hourly rate of $15.25 and firefighter/paramedics have a minimum hourly rate of $18.25.

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