Marion Theatre offerings include Star Wars event

Home » Arts & Entertainment
Posted April 16, 2021 |

Ocala Gazette Staff

The Marion Theatre has a few special events slated for May, including a nod to Star Wars with a May the 4th Be With You event.

On May 4th the theatre will screen the 1977 original “Star Wars: A New Hope.” But the action will start before the house lights go down. Before the screening, the theatre’s bar will feature Star Wars-themed cocktails and the sounds of the Cantina Band, among other music featured in the movie. There will also be Star Wars trivia in the auditorium before the show, and guests are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Star Wars character. There will be prizes for trivia winners and for best costumes.

May’s monthlong Classics and Cocktails feature is “An American in Paris”. The 1951 Academy-Award winning film will be paired with themed cocktails.

Duke Energy’s Reels and Reading Series features the 2005 movie “Pride and Prejudice.”

The May 20 screening of the movie is free and includes a small popcorn. Guests are encouraged to bring a donation of school supplies, or cash to support Marion County Literacy Council when they attend any of the showings of the movie.

For the full list of films scheduled for May, visit Ocala’s Marion Theatre on Facebook.

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