Marion Senior Services launches mental health services

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Posted May 21, 2021 | By Amanda Valderrama, Special to the Ocala Gazette

The launch of a new Human Services department at Marion Senior Services (MSS) will continue to improve the quality of life for Marion County seniors.

According to Jamie Williams, Marketing & Fund Development Coordinator for the center, the department will focus on directly helping senior clients facing mental health issues and reducing the stigma that persists.

A non-profit organization, MSS offers transportation, nutrition guidelines and in-home support services. The Human Services department will offer mental health interventions and community resources for seniors based on their current concerns and level of care.

The goal is to provide a link between healthcare and social service delivery systems, according to a press release from the department.

With help from these providers, clients will be able to discover mental health issues as well as solutions to them. The department has been working with partners such as The Vines Hospital, Ocala Police Department and Ocala Fire Rescue, to provide adequate resources for clients to receive care.

By working with local first responders and leaders, the department can utilize its resources more quickly and cost-efficiently in its recent building stages.

Briana Kelley, Human Services Counselor, has been leading the department since the start in January.

“As we identify with clients and their concerns, it’s evident that the need for these services is there,” she said.

Kelley also stated that for some, recognizing the need for a caregiver can be a hard transformation.

“Seniors face numerous problems on a daily basis: some easily seen and some that require thorough assessment and peeling back layers to see,” said Jennifer Martinez, Marion Senior Services’ Executive Director.

The department is continuing to grow in its model of senior services for MSS, with hopes of becoming one of many leading mental health departments in Florida.

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