Marion County could see volunteer chaplains in schools after passage of state law

File photo: School Board Member Sarah James at a Marion County School Board meeting on March 28, 2023. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette] 2023.

Home » Education
Posted May 2, 2024 | By Caroline Brauchler
[email protected]

Among the many bills Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law this legislative session, the “School Chaplains” bill will allow for volunteer chaplains to be integrated into Marion County Public Schools to offer voluntary prayer during the school day for students and staff.

School Board Member Sarah James brought up the recently passed legislation at the most recent school board meeting on April 23, recommending that the board, superintendent and school board attorney begin to work on policies that will align with the new state statute.

The School Chaplains Bill, or House Bill 891, allows each school district’s school boards or charter school’s governing boards to adopt a policy to authorize volunteer school chaplains “to provide supports, services and programs” to students, according to the bill’s summary.

One of the bill’s biggest supporters was local philanthropist Brad Dinkins, the chairman and founder of Helping Hands of Ocala. Dinkins contacted Florida Sen. Dennis Baxley to submit a school chaplain bill after being inspired by similar legislation passed in Texas.

There are many students who come from homes where there’s emotional, mental, physical abuse and more. Depression, anger, confusion and suicidal thoughts are on the increase,” Dinkins said. I believe chaplains would be a great resource to provide our students with the needed love, care and guidance in overcoming the impact of life’s setbacks and the negative issues our students face.

Dinkins said he hoped that having chaplains in schools could support not only students but the entire school system.

“Chaplains will not only be available to the students but also the teachers and other school staff, as they often suffer from stress and difficulties in their service to the students, and need support and encouragement too,” he said.

The bill was passed on April 19 and goes into effect on July 1. The school board will receive policy guidance from NEOLA, a company that takes state law and develops adhering policy for school boards.

At the board meeting, James asked for some dates in which the school board can devote time to discussing policy for the chaplain bill and other recently passed legislation.

I look at it as an opportunity for deregulation, which is what we’ve been working toward, which is giving school districts opportunities to do what’s best for their population,” James said. “This chaplains bill will give us the opportunity to make decisions for what is best for our students in Marion County.

Before the bill’s passage, Dinkins had been working to push this type of legislation in Florida since last year. After Baxley introduced the bill, State Sen. Erin Grall sponsored it. In the Florida House of Representatives, Ocala’s Rep. Stan McClain became the lead sponsor of the legislation, Dinkins said.

“It is my hope that the school board will approve a wonderful chaplain program for the benefit of our students mental, emotional and spiritual health,” Dinkins said. “It is also my hope that many qualified men and women, full of the love of God and a love for people, will sign up to be volunteer chaplains, and that churches, businesses and individuals will provide financial supportif needed to help sponsor a volunteer chaplain.

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