Marion Audubon Society Participates in the 123rd Christmas Bird Count
Pied-billed Grebe and her chick during the Christmas Bird Count on Dec. 17 at the Rainbow River. [Sandra Marraffino, supplied]
As we have done for many years, Marion Audubon Society (MAS) has contributed to one of the most extensive avian research projects in the Americas. Organized by the National Audubon Society, of which we are a chapter, and taking place in the countries of the Western Hemisphere over a three-week period, teams of ornithologists, Chapter members, and birders of all ages cover designated territories to see, hear and count the birds.
Our count took place on December 17, 2022, in western Marion County. Ten teams with a total of 46 members, covered the 15-mile diameter of our defined Count Circle. The MAS Count
Circle was established by a local member in 2006 and approved by the Christmas Bird Count organizers. The weather cooperated! Most teams stared out at a chilly 7am and finished in the late afternoon in the warm sunshine.
Binoculars and cellphones and good hearing are the essential tools. With foliage, lighting and distance issues, birding by ear is a critical skill. We use our cellphones with an app from the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology to help with sound ID. An instructional program on how to use “Merlin” is on our Marion Audubon Society YouTube channel. We also use the “eBird” app to record our findings. This is also from Cornell and the instructions are also on our YouTube channel. Both apps are free. Binoculars bring the birds in for a detailed view, making identification easier.
Our Count numbers this year are amazing: Total Birds Counted: 7,927. Total number of different bird species: 107.
Marion Audubon Society offers free guided nature walks and educational programs for our community. Find us on Facebook, on MeetUp and online at
The Ocala Nature Club, created specifically for students, provides fun experiences and opportunities to explore local parks with an experienced guide. Volunteer service hours are also available for students.
We also have a Plants for Birds program which includes learning the value of native plants, adding them to local parks and to our yards.