Local board vacancies

Have your voice heard: Serve on a government advisory board

Ocala City Hall [Photo courtesy city of Ocala]

Home » Government
Posted November 19, 2024 | Staff report

As a citizen, taxpayer and voter, it can sometimes feel like government moves along without you. But, in addition to contacting your board and council members, you can also have a voice in local government by helping out on a volunteer board. Maybe you’re an expert in commercial real estate; maybe you know a lot about small business marketing. That expertise can help you, your fellow citizens and local government if you want to volunteer on a board.

As of Nov. 14, here are current vacancies for cities in Marion County and the county itself.

City of Belleview:
The city’s general link is here: belleviewfl.org/151/Boards-Committees
The general application document is here: belleviewfl.org/DocumentCenter/View/39/City-Board-Application-PDF?bidId=

Planning & Zoning Board
1 expired term as of March, 2024 for a city resident, 2 terms expiring March, 2025

Description: The Planning and Zoning Board acts as an advisory Board to the Commission for planning and zoning issues. They also hear and decide variance and special exception requests. The Planning and Zoning Board is subject to the Sunshine Regulations and must file financial disclosure forms upon appointment and annually thereafter.

Members are appointed by the Commission for staggered three year terms and the alternate is appointed to a one year terms. If a member leaves, the Commission appoints another citizen to fill the vacated term. Members must live in Belleview, be a registered voter, and not delinquent in the payment of City taxes.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm.

City of Dunnellon:

Historic Preservation Board
1 term for general member ended November 8, 2024; 1 vacancy for 2nd alternate member term already expired, 2 general member terms ending January, 2025
The purpose of the Historic Preservation Board is to promote and preserve educational, cultural and economic welfare of the public. The Historic Preservation Board has established uniform procedures to preserve the City’s historic resources by enhancing public participation and involvement in the preservation and protection of such resources, including buildings, structures, monuments, and other historic resources. In keeping with its purpose, the Board has developed the Application for Historic Preservation Grant Facade Renovations. Interested person(s) should complete the application and submit to the Community Development Department for submission to the Board.

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm.
For more information, visit dunnellon.org/government/boards-commissions/historic-preservation-board

Planning Commission
1 member term expiring January 11, 2025; 2 vacancies for alternate members

Description: The Planning Commission has an administrative review function whereby the Commission reviews all changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan, by amendment, evaluation, addition and appraisal for consistency with the existing Comprehensive Plan, and reviews all land-related/zoning ordinances to determine consistency to the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission holds quasi-judicial hearings with regards to land planning/zoning cases, site plan reviews, variances, special exceptions, and review/appeal of administrative orders, and forwards its findings/recommendations to the City Council.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 pm.


City of Ocala

The City Council appoints individuals to serve on over 20 boards, advisory committees, and commissions. These volunteers are from all over Ocala, and their experience, knowledge and expertise help influence decisions affecting the City by providing advice and feedback to City leaders and Council.

If you have questions, contact clerk@ocalafl.gov or call the Office of the City Clerk at (352) 629-8266. The main page is ocalafl.gov/government/city-departments-a-h/city-clerk/boards-and-commissions and each board has its own page and application link.

All are welcome to submit an application for consideration to a board or commission. Many boards have specific requirements, such as living within the city limits, being a qualified city voter, or owning real property within the city limits. These requirements, if any, are detailed for each board on their page.

Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment considers applications for zoning variances and special exception considerations for business and residential construction projects within the Ocala City Limits. Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the building official in the enforcement of the zoning code (chapter 122), authorize special exceptions as provided in the zoning code authorize variances as provided in the zoning code.
Vacancies: 3 current vacancies, one runs through undetermined; two run to Mar 1, 2028.
Size: 7 Members
Term Length: 4 years
Term Limit: n/a

Brownfields Advisory Committee
The purpose of the advisory committee is to promote and receive public comment on the identification, rehabilitation and redevelopment of identified Brownfield sites. The purpose of the advisory committee is to promote and receive public comment on the identification, rehabilitation and redevelopment of identified Brownfield sites. The advisory committee shall provide guidance in areas such as land use, employment opportunities, development proposals, community safety and environmental justice. The committee consists of eleven members appointed by the Ocala City Council from boards, committees and organizations primarily representing West Ocala.

Vacancies: 1 vacancy, term from Mar 1, 2024 to Mar 1, 2028.
Size: 9 Members
Term Length: 4 years
Term Limit: n/a

Firefighters’ Retirement System Board of Trustees
The sole and exclusive administration of, and the responsibility for the proper, effective operation of the Retirement Plan is vested in a Board of Trustees. The board of trustees shall consist of five persons; two firefighters elected by the firefighter members of the plan. Two trustees shall be residents of the City appointed by City Council. The fifth member of the board shall be chosen by a majority of the other four members of the Board and appointed by City Council as a ministerial act. Form 1 Financial Disclosures are required to be submitted annually to the Florida State Ethics Commission.

Vacancies: 1 term expired October 2024
Size: 5 Members
Term Length: 2 years
Term Limit: n/a

Historic Preservation Advisory Board
Description: The Ocala Historic Preservation Advisory Board oversees the historic resources of the City and advises City Council and City departments on matters relating to these resources, as well as manages Certificates of Appropriateness for properties located within the Tuscawilla Park and Ocala Historic Districts. Make recommendations to City council for matters relating to historic resources in the City changes to designated resources; attend pertinent informational or educational meetings, workshops and conferences; advise on development of goals, objectives and policies for historic preservation; advise city departments on matters relating to historic resources in the City; advise individuals on preservation of historic structures; educate public on economic benefits of same; and submit annual report to SHPO covering annual activities. The Board approves Certificates of Appropriateness for exterior alterations to properties located in the local Tuscawilla Park and Ocala Historic Districts.

Vacancies: 2 current vacancies with varying terms ending 2025-2027; 1 term for an architect, 1 term for general member
Size: 9 Members
Term Length: 3 years
Term Limit: n/a

Municipal Code Enforcement Board
Description: The Code Enforcement Division enforces codes that pertain to zoning laws, nuisance abatement, contracting, and permitting requirements of the City of Ocala and the State of Florida, occupational licenses, sign codes, alcohol location permits, and many other local ordinances and State Statutes. The Municipal Code Enforcement Board hears cases relating to code violations. Examine code violation cases presented by City Code Enforcement Officers. Empowered to levy fines and place liens on property if, violation is not corrected.
Vacancies: 3 current vacancies, 1 regular and 2 alternates
Size: 7 Members
Term Length: 3 years
Term Limit: n/a

North Magnolia Redevelopment Advisory Committee
Description: The committee shall advise the Community Redevelopment Agency on redevelopment efforts of the established subarea pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes.
Vacancies: 1 current vacancy to March 1, 2027
Size: 7 Members
Term Length: 4 years
Term Limit: n/a

Police Officers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees
Description: The Police Officers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees is responsible the administration and operation of the Retirement Plan for the City of Ocala Police Officers.
Vacancies: 1 citizen term expired August 6, 2024
Size: 7 Members
Term Length: 2 years
Term Limit: n/a

Utility Advisory Board
Description: The Ocala Utility Advisory Board advises and makes recommendations to City Council on matters relating to management of City-owned utilities, including Ocala Electric Utility and Ocala Water Resources. The Utility Advisory Board shall act in an advisory capacity to the city government in connection with the management of the City utilities. The City officials and officers and the staff of the city departments may consult with the board from time to time on matters coming within the scope of this division, and the board shall advise and consult with such officials, officers and staff of city departments in connection with the operation and management of city utilities.
Vacancies: 1 current vacancy, 4 terms ending November 2024 for engineers (2), residential customer (1) and business customer (1).
Size: 12 Members
Term Length: 4 years
Term Limit n/a

Marion County
Marion County shows vacancies on the following boards: Code Enforcement, the Industrial Development Authority, the Land Development Regulation Commission and the WellFlorida Council. These are volunteer positions and have specific qualifications and criteria depending on the board’s focus. The county commission appoints members in regular BOCC meetings.

An online application can be downloaded here: marionfl.org/my-commissioners/advisory-boards and can be printed or saved as a PDF. Please email completed forms to commissionadmin@marionfl.org upon completion. Applications can also be obtained at the Marion County Board of County Commissioners’ Office located at 601 SE 25th Ave., Ocala, Florida or by calling 352-438-2323.

Code Enforcement
(2 alternate members – Terms expire February 2026 and November 2027)

Qualifications/restrictions: Members shall be residents of Marion County.
Responsibilities: Members shall be residents of Marion County and should have experience or interest in zoning and building control, ad shall, whenever possible be in the field of architecture, engineering, general contracting, or subcontracting. Members shall have the power to adopt rules for the conduct of its hearings; subpoena alleged violators & witnesses to its hearings; subpoena records, surveys, plats & other documentary evidence; take testimony under oath; issue orders having the force & effect of law, commanding whatever steps are necessary to bring a violation into compliance and establish and levy fines pursuant to county ordinance. Members are required to e-file Form 1 (Statement of Financial Interest) with the Florida Commission on Ethics.

Industrial Development Authority
(2 full members – Terms through November 2028)

Qualifications/restrictions: Members shall reside within the boundaries of the district.
Responsibilities: Members shall participate in the preparation of the annual budget, review and comment on programs, activities, operations, goals and objectives of the district. As requested by the BCC, review all expenditures of district funds and provide comments thereon.

Land Development Regulation Commission
(1 full member – Term through November 2028)

Qualifications/restrictions: Members shall be qualified electors in Marion County.
Responsibilities: Members shall preferably have knowledgeable in the areas of planning, environmental science, agriculture, and the development industry, as well as in technical fields related to land development regulations. They should have the ability to evaluate and recommend specific regulatory standards and criteria to the County Commission regarding the adoption and amendment of the Land Development Code and Zoning Code. Additionally, members are responsible for preparing an annual report recommending amendments to the Land Development Code or Zoning Code.

WellFlorida Council
(1 full member, provider – Term through November 2026)

Qualifications/restrictions: Applicants must be a Provider of health care services including physicians, dentists, nurses, health facility administrators and members of governing bodies of health facilities.
Responsibilities: Well Florida Council is a resource for county health departments, community-based organizations, government agencies and healthcare facilities. Well Florida is known for producing the county health needs assessments. Members oversee Well Florida’s budget, advocate for Well Florida’s services and may advise County Commissioners on health planning for their county, the region and the state. Meetings are held once a month at Well Florida Council in Gainesville. (Specific information may be provided by Well Florida Council.)

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