Gallery: Greek Festival at St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church

Kathy Zotos, right, says “Opa” as she make Saganaki flame up with Irene Manos, left, during the 23rd annual Greek Festival at St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Belleview, Fla. on Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023. [Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette] 2022.

Home » Community
Posted February 22, 2023 | Photos By Bruce Ackerman/Ocala Gazette

Greek Festival delivers the ‘opa’

The 23rd annual Greek Festival hosted by St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Belleview delivered once again on amazing food, dance, music and fellowship.

The event, held Feb. 17-19, drew hundreds of patrons of all ages who dined on Greek delicacies such as saganaki (flaming cheese), stuffed grape leaves and baklava. It also featured a taverna, cultural music and dance, and activities for youth. Vendors offered a variety of goods and there also were games, raffles and drawings for door prizes.

Most of all, there were tables filled end to end with people enjoying the camaraderie, with frequent enthusiastic shouts of “Opa!”

To learn more about the event and how it helps the community and church ministries, visit or

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