Free summer learning to be offered by MCPS

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Thanks to federal dollars earmarked for pandemic relief, Marion County students will have an opportunity to attend a free summer camp that’s intended to bridge educational gaps caused by distanced learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over 1,600 educators and personnel will educate and support students during the camp, which came with a price tag of $5.8 million, all of which is to be covered by COVID relief funds.
Marion County’s 32 elementary schools will offer tailored options for student, including reading intervention camps, math support programs, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics), STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), writing refreshers and other areas. Though times vary, most elementary programs will operate from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. during June and July, Monday through Thursday.
Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) classes will also be available at Belleview, College Park, Emerald Shores, Maplewood, Marion Oaks and Reddick-Collier Elementary. VPK classes will run June 7 to July 20 from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Breakfast, lunch and a snack will be provided for VPK student. For more information on summer VPK, call 352-236-0533, option 1 or visit
Meanwhile, rising sixth graders through 12th graders will also have opportunities such as credit recovery programs, algebra 1 refresher/readiness, geometry readiness, extracurricular camps, boot camps for industry certifications and other programs.
All middle schools offer at least one program, while 21st Century Community Centers will also operate at Belleview, Howard, Lake Weir and Liberty Middle.
Most public high school will offer two, three-week sessions of credit recovery, as well as driver’s education courses.
Most summer programs will utilize face-to-face instruction. Transportation and meals are available to students attending summer programs. Parents can register their students for summer programs using their Family Access account, while students can register using their Skyward account. If transportation is needed, registration is required by May 7. More information can be found directly by contacting participating schools, or visiting