Development Brief: Silver Springs Shores, Unit 25

The project involves 157 single-family detached dwellings units on 39.36 acres.

General location map. [Image courtesy Marion County]

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Posted December 3, 2024 |

Location – Parcel 36640-004-00, south of SE 80th St., east of the railroad tracks, and west of Juniper Road

Type of request – Rezoning from General Agriculture to PUD, a revision of a 2016 request from A-1 to Multifamily. That PUD request has expired.

# of dwelling units on # of acres – 157 single-family detached dwellings units on 39.36 acres

# of commercial/retail space – None

Links to application info from agenda –

Commissioner/council district contact – District 3, Matt McClain, [email protected]

Affected schools and current capacities per county staff report – Legacy Elementary (81.37% capacity); Belleview Middle School (104.5% capacity): and Belleview High School (117.46% capacity)

Notes of interest – The parcel is part of the Silver Springs Shores development of regional impact, which is within the Urban Growth Boundary. It is west of the currently developed Juniper Road area.

The staff report stated the development would have 40′ wide interior lots, a playground area, a dog park and a pavilion.
Staff recommends two access points for the development, one of which might be a four-way stop at the intersection of Juniper Road and SE 79th Street.

One condition of the PUD is that additional parking be added near the playground and that driveways be long enough to allow for off-street parking.

Additionally, one-story homes be along the outside boundaries of the project. Two-story homes should be in the interior.
The proposed builder is D.R. Horton.

Previous recommendations – The P&Z recommended approval (5-0) of the rezoning with conditions.

Agenda item 1.7 The item will be slated for a future Marion County BOCC Planning & Zoning meeting, date TBD.

FLUMS designation. [Image courtesy Marion County]

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