DeSantis Signs AI, Vape Bills


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Posted April 30, 2024 | Florida News Service

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday signed 28 bills, including a measure requiring disclaimers on certain political ads created using artificial intelligence and a bill about regulation of vape products. The disclaimer bill (HB 919) will require political ads that contain “images, video, audio, graphics, or other digital content” created using artificial intelligence to include a disclaimer that reads: “Created in whole or in part with the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI).” A separate bill (SB 1680) signed Friday will establish an advisory council at the Department of Management Services to advise the Legislature on new technologies, including artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, DeSantis signed a bill (HB 1007) that targets vape products geared toward children, setting up a process for Attorney General Ashley Moody to go after illegal electronic-cigarette manufacturers and sellers. The bill focuses on single-use electronic cigarettes and will allow Moody’s office to set up a registry of products deemed off-limits, after an administrative process. Another measure signed Friday (HB 461) will allow women to be excused from jury duty if they have given birth within six months of the jury-reporting date. The bills passed during the legislative session that ended March 8.

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