City of Ocala invites artists to submit entries for competition

[Courtesy of Ocala Cultural Arts]

Home » Community
Posted December 22, 2023 | By Caroline Brauchler
[email protected]

Artists with up to six years of experience are invited to submit entries for “Community,” an emerging artist competition through the city of Ocala.

The competition will take place in 2024 from April 9 through Oct. 14 at Ocala City Hall, 110 SE Watula Ave. The deadline to submit entries is March 17, 2024.

Artists will compete in three divisions: high school students, one to three years of active experience, and four to six years of active experience. Entries must be recent and completed within the past two years.

“Prizes for this competition include scholarships to the College of Central Florida (high school division), a feature in the “Ocala Gazette” (Best of Show), a professional art framing at Cartigliano Arts (Best of Show), a free class at Picasso’s Palette (Best of Show), annual memberships to the Appleton Museum of Art and Marion Cultural Alliance (all winners), and a registration fee waiver for the 2024-25 season of First Friday Art Walk (all winners),” according to the city of Ocala.

All entries must include the entry form, an artist statement and photographs of the artwork in a .jpg format with a resolution of at least 1,900 pixels in the widest dimension. Artists can email photos, mail printed photos, or submit a CD or USB with digital images.

Entries can be submitted online at, via email to [email protected] or mailed to City of Ocala Cultural Arts, 201 SE Third St., second floor, Ocala, FL 34471.

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