Ag “Woman of the Year” named

Sandra Moore is the first Woman of the Year winner representing the tropical fish industry [Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services].

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Posted April 24, 2024 | Florida News Service

Sandra Moore, president of Segrest Farms in Gibsonton, was named 2024 Woman of the Year in Agriculture on Tuesday. “Sandra is a vital member of not only the ornamental fish industry, but the aquaculture and pet industry nationwide,” Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson said in a release. Moore is the first woman from the tropical fish industry to win the award, according to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Moore has been with Segrest Farms, one of the largest ornamental fish wholesalers in the world, since 1992, according to the release. She has been president since 2015. The award will be formally presented during the 2025 Florida State Fair.

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