A thank you message from our publisher

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Posted July 6, 2023 | Jennifer Hunt Murty
[email protected]

Jennifer Hunt Murty, Publisher

Dear neighbors,

When I launched the “Ocala Gazette” three years ago, on July 6, 2020, I took on what I felt was a solemn duty to build a newspaper that supports the community by keeping readers more informed through our editorial content, creates transparency through our reporting, and is focused on the public good for all of Marion County.

As you would expect from a small local newspaper owner who began this adventure during a global pandemic, these anniversary milestones come with a moment of, “OMG, I can’t believe we beat the odds for another year,” mixed with deep gratitude to all who have helped us along the way.

To our advertisers and subscribers – you enable the “Gazette” to provide an essential public service. “Thank you” doesn’t seem to say enough to share our gratitude for your commitment to back local journalism through your financial support and the encouragement we feel with each advertising and subscription renewal.

To the “Gazette” team – your work and our team’s collaboration fuel and encourage me when I’m tired or overwhelmed with the mountain of stories that need to be told. None of this would be possible without you.

To friends and family who have stood by me through the ups and downs, fed me, occasionally handed me a stiff drink, listened, and lightened my mood when I needed it – thank you.

To the mentors who have spent time and energy sharing their wisdom and empathy – I appreciate your not always telling me what I wanted to hear.

And thank you to those public officials who work with us to get the correct information out to the public; your support offsets the challenges from that sector that don’t make the job easy on some days.

Finally, and most importantly, to our readers – thank you for your support and encouragement. It humbles, inspires and motivates us to keep pushing and growing to fulfill our mission for our community – which is really simple: to deliver trustworthy local journalism so corruption, misinformation and abuse are not left unchallenged and, just as importantly, to inform and connect our community in a way that supports the values of fairness, diversity, equity and inclusion. With each new issue, we strive to deliver on that mission and we acknowledge your part in strengthening our determination to be with you for many more years to come.


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Support community journalism

The first goal of the Ocala Gazette is to deliver trustworthy local journalism so corruption, misinformation and abuse are not hidden from the public or unchallenged.

We count on community support to continue this important work. Please donate or subscribe:
