A new horse unveiled


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Posted May 6, 2022 | By Ocala Gazette Staff

The Public Education Foundation of Marion County’s (PEFMC) unveiled an acrylic Golden Apple Horse named “Apple.” 

The horse was named after the annual awards bestowed by PEFMC on exemplary Marion County School educators since 1991. 

Apple was created in partnership with the Marion Cultural Alliance and donated in memory of Whit Palmer, a former PEFMC board member and advocate for public schools.

The artist who gave life to the horse is Gene Hotaling, a retired MCPS teacher and 2001 Golden Apple Teacher of the Year.

For more information on PEFMC or “Apple”, contact PEFMC Executive Director Meghan Magamoll at Meghan.Magamoll@marion.k12.fl.us or 352.671.4167.

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