District Asks Homeowners to “Skip a Week” of Irrigation this Winter

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Posted January 8, 2021 |

The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) is reminding residents who irrigate their lawns to “Skip a Week” or more of watering during the cooler months of January and February since overwatering in winter can encourage pests and disease.

According to research by the University of Florida, grass doesn’t need to be watered as often during the cooler months. One-half to three-quarters of an inch of water every 10–14 days is sufficient. In fact, if your lawn has received any significant rainfall, then you can turn off your irrigation system and operate it manually as needed.

You can determine when your grass needs water when:

  • Grass blades are folded in half lengthwise on at least one-third of your yard.
  • Grass blades appear blue-gray.
  • Grass blades do not spring back, leaving footprints on the lawn for several minutes after walking on it. 
  • Watering only every other week at most during the winter will help conserve drinking water supplies that the public needs for critical uses during the dry season.

For additional information about water conservation, please visit the District’s website at WaterMatters.org/SkipAWeek.

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