Milling Foundation Board announces student loan opportunities
The Milling Foundation provides low-interest and even interest-free loans to graduates of Marion County schools attending the University of Florida (UF).
Loans are available for four years to students pursuing bachelor degrees. Students can borrow up to $30,000 over four years. Loan amounts are based on resources available and financial need.
This year’s application deadline is March 18. Award recipients will be notified after the April 2022 Milling Foundation board of directors meeting. The board is made up of a Marion County Superintendent of Schools’ designee and principals of Marion County public high schools, who determine loan amounts on a case-by-case basis.
Students can use their loans for tuition and other educational and college living expenses. While students are enrolled at UF, no interest is charged on the loan. Loans may even be interest-free for students moving back to Marion County after college graduation.
Applications are available in Guidance Departments at each public high school. For more information, contact the Milling Foundation at (352) 840–3269.