Hammett Bowen Jr. Elementary honored with Purple Star Distinction

Hammett Bowen Jr. Elementary School is shown in Ocala, Fla. on Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2022. [Ocala Gazette/Photo Courtesy Thomas Fletcher]

Home » Education
Posted January 31, 2025 | By Caroline Brauchler
[email protected]

Hammett Bowen Jr. Elementary School has been awarded with the Florida Purple Star of Distinction for its efforts to support military children.

The Florida Purple Star of Distinction is honored to schools that support the unique needs of military families, help military-connected students navigate critical challenges and provide resources for military-connected students when transitioning to a new school environment.

The school has a number of services available to military children, facilitated by Lisa Bevers, the family engagement liaison and Purple Star military point of contact at Hammett Bowen. For the entire month of April, the school will celebrate Military Children’s Month

“While military members serve around the world, we often forget the challenges faced by their children. Military families move, on average, every two to three years, impacting military children through changing schools and support networks each year,” Bevers said.

The school also has a student-led transition program to assist military students coming into the school, to create a support system for students, familiarize them with the campus and introduce them to their peers, Bevers said.

Hammett Bowen Jr. himself was a military hero, who served as a staff sergeant in the Army during the Vietnam War, said the school’s Principal Traci Crawford.

While performing a recognizance mission in 1969, Bowen sacrificed himself for his platoon.

“An enemy grenade was thrown amid Staff Sergeant Bowen and three of his men, sensing the danger of his comrades, he shouted a warning to his men and hurled himself on the grenade,” Crawford said.

Bowen was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions.

“Bowen’s extraordinary courage and concern for his men at the cost of his life, served as an inspiration to his comrades and are in the highest traditions of the military service and the U.S. Army,” Crawford said.

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