Brick City Bluegrass Festival coming up Feb. 1

The second annual celebration will take place at Citizens’ Circle, with five bands.

Margaret Boysen, 8, left, and her brother, Abram, 10, right, hold their inflatable banjo toys during the Brick City Bluegrass Festival at Citizens’ Circle on Jan. 20, 2024. [Photo by Bruce Ackerman]

Home » Arts & Entertainment
Posted January 22, 2025 | Staff report

The best of Appalachia will come to Ocala on Feb. 1 for the second annual Brick City Bluegrass Festival.

The celebration of classic Kentucky folk music will go well beyond the Bluegrass State, as acts from throughout America are scheduled to perform. The atmosphere is expected to be festive and vibrant, as well as family friendly.

Many of the scheduled acts, such as Tampa’s The Wandering Hours, are regional, and pay tribute to the genre’s roots, with songs such as “Moonshiner” and “The Devil’s Got Me Drinkin’ Again.” Other bands come from all over, such as North Carolina’s Unspoken Tradition, Nashville’s East Nash Grass and Arkansas’ Arkansauce. Outside the south, Pert Near Sandstone hails from the twin cities of Minnesota.

The festival is scheduled to begin at 1p.m. at Citizens’ Circle, at 151 SE Osceola Ave., in downtown Ocala. Along with the live musical performances, food trucks will offer food and refreshments for purchase. Guests are encouraged to bring their own seating, such as chairs or blankets, to enjoy the outdoor venue. The weather is expected to be sunny and cool.

Tickets are $25 through Jan. 31. Day-of-event tickets will cost $30. Admission is free for veterans and children 8 and under.

There will be one entrance for the event zone at the corner of Osceola and Fort King Street. There will be separate lines for those who have already purchased a ticket and those who still need to.

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